Gmail Email Communication Integration |
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Gmail and streamline email management workflows.

Gmail integration automates email communication workflows by centralizing tracking, categorization, and responses in Enhance productivity and maintain organized communication effortlessly.

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Gmail Modules (10)

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Watch Emails

Triggers when a new email is received to be processed according to specified criteria.

Send an Email

Sends a new email.

Create a Draft

Creates a new draft and adds it to a selected folder.

Mark an Email as Read

Marks an email or a draft in a selected directory as read by setting the "Read" flag.

Mark an Email as Unread

Marks an email or draft in a selected directory as unread by setting the "Unread" flag.

Move an Email

Moves a chosen email or a draft to a selected folder.

Copy an Email

Copies an email or a draft into a selected folder.

Delete an Email

Removes an email or a draft from a selected folder.

Modify Email Labels

Modifies labels on the specified email message.

Iterate Attachments

Iterates through received attachments.

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