Fidoo and Boost.space simplify expense management workflows.
Optimize expense management with Fidoo, streamlining processes for tracking, approval, and reimbursement of company costs.

Get a head start with our Expense Management Fidoo integration templates or create your own

Activate an Application
Activates a Fidoo Application for a User.

Activate a User
Activates a user.

Add an Account Assignment
Adds an account assignment.

Add an Accounting Category
Adds an accounting category.

Add a Cost Center
Adds a cost center.

Add a Project
Adds a project.

Add a User
Adds a new user.

Add a VAT Breakdown
Adds a VAT Breakdown.

Add a Vehicle
Adds a vehicle.

Deactivate a User
Deactivates a user.

Delete an Account Assignment
Deletes an account assignment.

Delete an Accounting Category
Deletes an accounting category.

Delete a Cost Center
Deletes a cost center.

Delete a Project
Deletes a project.

Delete a User
Deletes a user. User cannot have any roles or tasks, cannot be approver, manager or hold any card.

Delete a VAT Breakdown
Deletes a VAT breakdown.

Delete a Vehicle
Deletes a vehicle.

Download a Receipt
Downloads a receipt.

Update an Expense
Updates specific expense.

Get a Travel Report
Returns a travel report detail.

Get a Travel Request
Returns a travel request detail.

Get a User
Returns info about a user.

Get a User by Email
Gets a user by email.

Get a User by Employee Number
Gets a user by employee number.

Load a Card
Loads card specified by card Id with particular amount.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Unload a Card
Unloads card specified by card Id with particular amount.

Update an Account Assignment
Updates an account assignment.

Update an Accounting Category
Updates an accounting category.

Update a Cost Center
Updates a cost center.

Update a Project
Updates a project.

Update a User
Updates a User.

Update a VAT Breakdown
Updates a VAT Breakdown.

Update a Vehicle
Updates a vehicle.

List Account Assignments
Returns a list of account assignments.

List Accounting Categories
Returns a list of accounting categories.

List Personal Billings
Returns personal billing list.

List Card Transactions
Returns list of card transactions.

List Cash Transactions
Returns list of cash transactions.

List Cost Centers
Returns a list of cost centers.

List Expense Items
Returns items for expense.

List Expenses
Returns expenses.

List Fidoo Account Transactions
Returns list of Fidoo account transactions.

List Projects
Returns a list of projects.

List Travel Reports
Returns travel reports.

List Travel Requests
Returns travel requests.

List Users
Returns list of users.

List VAT Breakdowns
Returns a list of VAT breakdowns.

List Vehicles
Returns a list of vehicles.

List Accounts
Returns list of accounts with currency and balance info.

List Cards
Returns all cards.

Load Cards
Loads cards specified by card Ids with particular amounts.

Get Load Card Status
Gets load card process status.

Unload Cards
Unloads cards specified by card Ids with particular amounts.

Get Unload Card Status
Gets unload card process status.