Monitor trends effectively with Feedly and integration.
Stay updated with industry trends using Feedly, an intuitive platform for aggregating and organizing news and content.
Get a head start with our Feedly integration templates or create your own
Watch Articles
Triggers when a new article is published in a feed or in a category of feeds, or added to a selected board.
New Article In Board
Activated when you add an article in a Feedly board.
New Highlight
This trigger fires when you highlight text in a Feedly article.
New Note
This trigger fires when you add a note to a Feedly article.
New Prioritized Article
This trigger fires when an article is prioritized.
Subscribe a Feed
Subscribes a feed to categories. If title is not present, the feed title will be used. If categories is missing, the feed will automatically be added to the uncategorized category.
Get a Feed
Gets the metadata about a specific feed.
Create an Article in a Board
This action will create a new article in a Feedly board. It requires content, a URL, and a title.
Add a Source to a Feed
This action will try to find a source from a URL, and add it to a personal feed.
Add an Article to a Board
This action will read content from a URL, and create a new article in a board.
Make an API Call
Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.
List Categories
Gets categories of feeds.
List Subscriptions
Gets all sources to which a user is currently subscribed.
Find Feeds
Searches feeds based on title, url or #topic.
Search for Articles
Searches articles using criteria.