Easelly and Boost.space simplify infographic design workflows.
Create visually stunning infographics and presentations with Easelly, making it simple to communicate complex ideas effectively.

Get a head start with our Easelly integration templates or create your own

Update an Infographic
Updates an infographic specified by canvas ID.

Generate an SVG
Generates infographic in SVG format with the modified content in tag, fill or src by the given canvas ID.

Generate a PDF
Generates infographic in PDF format with the modified content in tag, fill or src by the given canvas ID.

Generate a JSON
Retrieves the infographic’s object or information that has tag in json format.

Generate an Image
Generates infographic in PNG format with the modified content in tag, fill or src by the given canvas ID.

Generate an Infographic
Copies infographic by the given canvas ID and generates a new one with the modified content in tag, fill or src.

Make an API Call
Performs an arbitary authorized API call.