Donorbox Donation Management Simplified |
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Integrate Donorbox with 2,233 other apps

DonorBox and enhance donation management workflows.

Optimize fundraising efforts with Donorbox, offering user-friendly tools to boost donations and manage campaigns efficiently. Build stronger connections with your donors.

Centralise Donorbox data now
Join more than 15,000+ teams across the world
Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Centralize data in with Donorbox integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, Donorbox integration, Donorbox integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
Donorbox Modules (16)

Get a head start with our Donorbox integration templates or create your own

Watch Campaigns

Triggers for new or updated campaigns

Watch Donations

Triggers for new donations

Watch Donors

Triggers for new or updated donors

Watch Plans

Triggers for new plans

Watch Campaigns Instant

Triggers for new or updated campaigns

Watch Donations Instant

Triggers for new or updated donations

Watch Donors Instant

Triggers for new or updated donors

Watch Plans Instant

Triggers for new or updated campaigns

Get Donor

Gets donor by ID

Get Donation

Gets a single donation by ID

Get Campaign

Gets a campaign by ID

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

List Campaigns

Lists campaigns on your plan

List Donations

Lists donations

List Donors

Lists people who have donated

List Plans

Lists plans

Centralise Donorbox data now
Join more than 15,000+ teams across the world