Deputy Workforce Management Unified |
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Deputy and optimize employee scheduling and management.

Deputy is a workforce management platform for employee scheduling and time tracking. By integrating Deputy with, businesses can centralize workforce data, automate payroll workflows, and streamline communication. This integration ensures efficient team management and enhanced employee satisfaction.

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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Connection status - Active This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions in our documentation.
Centralize data in with Deputy integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, Deputy integration, Deputy integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
Deputy Modules (53)

Get a head start with our Deputy integration templates or create your own

Watch New Area/Departments

Triggers when a new area or department has been created.

Watch New Employees

Triggers when a new employee has been created.

Watch New Leave Requests

Triggers when a new leave request has been submitted.

Watch New Timesheets

Triggers when a new timesheet has been saved.

Watch New Schedules

Triggers when a new schedule has been added.

Watch New Comments

Triggers when a comment has been added.

Watch Employees Updates

Triggers when an employee has been updated.

Watch News Feed Deletion

Triggers when an announcement has been deleted.

Watch Schedules Deletion

Triggers when a schedule has been deleted.

Watch Schedules Updates

Triggers when a schedule has been updated.

Watch Timesheets Updates

Triggers when a timesheet has been updated.

Watch Employees Deletion

Triggers when an employee has been deleted.

Update an Employee

Updates an employee details.

Terminate an Employee

Terminates an active employee.

Update a Schedule

Updates a Schedule.

Update a Location Settings

Updates a location settings.

Start a Timesheet

Starts a shift for your staff.

Publish a Schedule

Publishes a schedule.

Update or Create a Timesheet

Updates a given timesheet or creates a new one.

Pause / Unpause a Timesheet

Pauses / unpauses a user's timesheet.

Approve a Timesheet

Approves a timesheet.

Invite an Employee

Invites an employee.

Get a Location Settings

Provides settings of a specific location.

Get My Contact and Address

Provides a user's contact and address.

Get a Location Details

Provides details about the specified location.

Get My Details

Provides a user's details.

Get a Schedule

Provides details of a schedule.

Get an Employee

Provides details about the specified employee.

End a Timesheet

Ends a shift that is in progress.

Delete a Schedule

Discards a schedule.

Delete a Location

Deletes a location in Deputy after migrating associated employees to another location.

Delete a Discarded Employee

Deletes a discarded / terminated employee's account in Deputy.

Create a Task

Creates a new task.

Create a Schedule

Creates a new schedule / roster.

Create / Update a Journal

Creates or updates a journal.

Create an Employee

Creates a new staff member.

Create a Location

Creates a new location (workplace / company).

Create an Area / Department

Creates an area / department.

Create a News Feed

Creates a news feed announcement.

Activate a Terminated Employee

Activates a terminated employee.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitary authorized API call.

List My Completed Tasks

Lists a user's completed tasks.

List Location's News Feeds

Lists news feeds for a specific location.

List My Colleagues

Lists a user's colleagues.

List My Leave Requests

Lists a user's leave requests.

List My Locations

Lists a user's locations.

List My News Feeds

Lists a user's news feeds.

List My Notifications

Lists a user's notifications.

List My Schedule Shifts

Lists a user's schedule shifts.

List My Timesheets

Lists a user's timesheets.

List My Unavailability Records

Lists a user's unavailability records.

List Employees

Lists all employees.

List Schedules

Lists all schedules (-12 hours to 36 hours from current date).

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