Crowdin Localization Simplified |
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Simplify translation workflows with Crowdin and integration.

Centralize translation management with Crowdin, making content localization faster and more efficient for global teams. Collaborate in real-time and ensure consistency across languages.

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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Connection status - Active This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions in our documentation.
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Crowdin Modules (70)

Get a head start with our Crowdin integration templates or create your own

Watch New Directory

Triggers when a new directory is created.

Watch New Project

Triggers when a new project is created.

Watch File Events

Triggers when one of the selected file events has occurred.

Watch Project Events

Triggers when one of the project events has occurred.

Watch String Comment Events

Triggers when one of the string comment events has occurred.

Watch String Events

Triggers when one of the string events has occurred.

Watch Suggestion Events

Triggers when one of the suggestion events has occurred.

Watch Task Events

Triggers when one of the task events has occurred.

Watch Translation Events

Triggers when one of the translation events has occurred.

Upload a File

Uploads a file into Crowdin project.

Update a Label

Updates an existing label.

Update a Directory

Updates an existing directory.

Update a Task

Updates an existing task.

Update a Comment (Issue)

Updates an existing string comment or issue.

Update a String

Updates an existing source string.

Update a Project

Updates an existing project.

Update a File

Updates an existing file.

Translate via Machine Translation

Auto detect source language and translate with selected MT engine.

Remove a Label from the String

Deletes an existing label from a string.

Get a Task

Retrieves an existing task.

Get a String Translation

Retrieves an existing translation string.

Get a Comment (Issue)

Retrieves an existing string comment or issue.

Get a String

Retrieves an existing string.

Get a Storage

Retrieves an existing file from storage.

Get a Screenshot

Retrieves an existing screenshot.

Get a Project

Retrieves an existing project.

Get a Label

Retrieves an existing label.

Get a File

Retrieves an existing file.

Get a Directory

Retrieves an existing directory.

Generate a Report

Generates a report.

Download a Translated File

Generates a URL to download a file. The link has an expiration time.

Download a Report (CSV)

Downloads a report in CSV format.

Download a Report (JSON)

Downloads a report in JSON format.

Delete a Task

Deletes an existing task.

Delete a String Translation

Deletes an existing translated string.

Delete a Comment (Issue)

Deletes an existing string comment or issue.

Delete a String

Deletes an existing string.

Delete a Storage

Deletes an existing file from storage.

Delete a Screenshot

Deletes an existing screenshot.

Delete a Project

Deletes an existing project.

Delete a Label

Deletes an existing label.

Delete a File

Deletes an existing file.

Delete a Directory

Deletes an existing directory.

Create a Comment (Issue)

Creates a new comment or issue.

Create a Task

Creates a new task.

Create a String Translation

Creates a new string translation.

Create a String

Creates a new source string.

Create a Project

Creates a new project.

Create a Label

Creates a new label.

Create a Directory

Creates a new directory.

Assign a Label to the String

Assigns a label to the string.

Create a Storage

Uploads a new file to storage.

Add a Screenshot

Adds a new screenshot.

Upload a File from Storage

Uploads a new file from storage.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Search Project Progress

Searches for project progress or lists them all.

Search Translation Progress

Searches for translation progress or lists them all.

Search Directories

Searches for directories or lists them all.

Search Files

Searches for files or lists them all.

Search Labels

Searches for labels or lists them all.

Search Languages

Searches for languages or lists them all.

Search Project Members

Searches for projects members or lists them all.

Search Projects

Searches for projects or lists them all.

Search Screenshots

Searches for screenshots or lists them all.

Search Storages

Searches for storages or lists them all.

Search String Comments (Issues)

Searches for string comments and issues or lists them all.

Search Strings

Searches for strings or lists them all.

Search String Translations

Searches for string translations or lists them all.

Search Tasks

Searches for tasks or lists them all.

Search Project Builds

Searches for project builds or lists them all.

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