CloudConvert File Conversion Simplified |
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CloudConvert and streamline file conversion processes.

CloudConvert is a file conversion tool that supports a wide range of formats for documents, images, videos, and more. By connecting CloudConvert with, businesses can centralize file handling, automate conversion workflows, and streamline document management. This integration ensures efficient file processing and saves valuable time.

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Connection status - Active This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions in our documentation.
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CloudConvert Modules (18)

Get a head start with our CloudConvert integration templates or create your own

New Job Event

Triggers when a new event (job.created, job.finished or job.failed) occurs.

Retry a Task

Creates a new task, based on the payload of another task.

Optimize a File

Creates a task to optimize and compress a file.

Merge Files

Merges two or more files to one PDF. If input files are not PDFs yet, they are automatically converted to PDF.

Get a Task

Returns details about a specified task.

Get My Info

Returns details about the current user.

Get a Job

Returns details about a job.

Download a File

Downloads a single file from a specified task.

Delete a Task

Deletes a task, including all data.

Delete a Job

Deletes a job, including all data.

Create a Job (advanced)

Creates a job with one or more tasks.

Create an Archive

Creates a ZIP, RAR, 7Z, TAR, TAR.GZ or TAR.BZ2 archive.

Convert a File

Converts a file into a selected output format.

Capture a Website

Creates a task to convert a website to PDF or to capture a screenshot of a website (png, jpg).

Cancel a Task

Cancels a task that is in status waiting or processing.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

List Jobs

Lists all jobs.

List Tasks

Lists all tasks with their status, payload and result.

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