Cin7 Core Inventory Solutions Enhanced |
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Cin7 Core and streamline inventory and order management.

Cin7 Core is an inventory and order management system for small to medium-sized businesses. By connecting Cin7 Core with, businesses can centralize stock data, automate order workflows, and streamline supply chain operations. This integration ensures accurate inventory tracking and improved operational efficiency.

Centralise Cin7 Core data now See documentation
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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
4.9 star avg. rating based on 700+ reviews on
Connection status - Active This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions in our documentation.
Centralize data in with Cin7 Core integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, Cin7 Core integration, Cin7 Core integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
Cin7 Core Modules (43)

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Watch New or Updated Customer

Triggers when a new customer has been created or updated.

Watch New or Updated Supplier

Triggers when a supplier has been created or updated.

Watch New Payment

Triggers when a new payment has been received.

Watch New Sale Credit Note Authorised

Triggers when a new sale credit note is authorized.

Watch New Sale Invoice Authorized

Triggers when a new sale invoice has been authorized.

Watch New Sale Shipment Tracking Number Changed

Triggers when a sale shipment tracking number is changed.

Watch New Sale Voided

Triggers when a new sale has been voided.

Watch New Stock Level Update

Triggers when a change is made to product availability.

Update a Stock Adjustment

Updates a stock adjustment,

Update a Sale Payment

Updates a sale payment.

Update a Sale

Updates a sale.

Update a Customer

Updates a customer.

Get a Supplier

Gets a supplier.

Get a Stock Adjustment

Gets a stock adjustment.

Get a Sale Pack

Gets a sale pack.

Get a Sale

Gets a sale.

Get a Product

Gets a product.

Find a Sale Invoice

Searches for sale invoices by ID.

Find a Sale Fulfilment

Searches for sale fulfilments by ID.

Find a Sale Credit Note

Searches for a sale credit note by ID.

Get a Customer

Gets a customer.

Delete a Stock Adjustment

Deletes a stock adjustment.

Delete a Sale Payment

Deletes a sale payments.

Delete a Sale Attachment

Deletes a sale attachment.

Delete a Sale

Deletes a sale.

Create a Supplier

Creates a supplier.

Create a Stock Adjustment

Creates a stock adjustment.

Create a Sale

Creates a sale.

Create a Customer

Creates a customer.

Add a Sale Shipment

Adds a shipment to sale.

Add a Sale Payment

Adds a sale payment.

Add a Sale Pack

Adds a sale pack.

Add a Sale Attachment

Adds attachment to a sale.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Find a Products Availability

Searches for a product availability.

Find an Assembly

Searches for assembly by status, sale id or other fields.

List Sale Payments

Gets all sale payments.

List Sales Attachments

Gets a list of sales attachments.

List Customers

Gets a list of customers.

List Products

Gets a list of products.

List Sales

Gets a list of sales.

List Stock Adjustments

Gets a list of stock adjustments.

List Suppliers

Gets a list of suppliers.

Centralise Cin7 Core data now
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