Binance Cryptocurrency Integration Simplified |
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Manage cryptocurrency efficiently with Binance and

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that facilitates trading and managing digital assets. By integrating Binance with, businesses can centralize transaction data, automate reporting workflows, and improve investment tracking. This integration ensures secure and efficient management of cryptocurrency portfolios.

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Binance Modules (16)

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New Order (Trade)

Sends in a new order.

New OCO (Trade)

Sends in a new OCO.

Get Symbol Ticker Price

Retrieves 24hr ticker price change statistics.

Get Exchange Info

Retrieves exchange information from Binance.

Get Current Average Price

Retrieves current average price of trading pair.

Get Candlestick Data (Kline)

Retrieves candlestick data from Binance.

Cancel Order

Cancels order by ID or CliendID.

Cancel OCO (Trade)

Cancels an entire Order List.

List Account Trades

Lists trades for a specfic account and symbol.

Search Orders

Retrieves all account orders; active, cancelled, or filled.

Cancel All Open Orders On a Symbol

Cancels all active orders on a symbol. Includes OCO orders.

List Current Open Orders

Retrieves all open orders in a symbol.

List Older Trades

Gets history trades from Binance.

List Recent Trades

Gets recent trades list.

Get Symbol Order Book Ticker

Retrieves best price / quantity on the order book for a pair.

Get / Query OCO

Retrieves a specific OCO based on provided optional parameters.

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