Boost your e-learning efficiency with Apolearn and Boost.space integration.
Apolearn is an e-learning platform designed to create and manage online training programs effectively. By integrating Apolearn with Boost.space, businesses can centralize course content, automate learner tracking, and enhance engagement. This integration ensures that training resources are organized and accessible, simplifying the learning experience for participants. By linking Apolearn with other tools, organizations can deliver impactful educational programs that support growth and development.

Get a head start with our Apolearn LMS integration templates or create your own

Update Course's Information
Update training course information

Remove a Subscriber from a Textbook
Revoke access to a Textbook

Remove Course's Instructor Rights
Remove instructor rights form a training course

Remove a Student from a Course
Remove a student form a training course

Remove Course's Observer Right
Remove observer right from a training course

Remove Course's Admin Rights
Remove admin rights form a training course

Get a User from Email
Get a user's profile from their email

Get a User
Retrieve a user's profile information

Get a Textbook
Retrieve information about a textbook

Get Subscription Information
Retrieve information about your subscription usage

Get a Course Template
Retrieve information about a course template

Get a Student's Course Progress
Get course progress for a user

Get a Course
Retrieve information about a training course

Enable a User
Enable a user account

Update User's Information
Update user information

Disable a User
Disable a user account

Create a User
Create a user account

Add a Subscriber to a Textbook
Grant access to a textbook

Add an Instructor to a Course
Give a user instructor rights in a Training Course

Add a Student to a Course
Register a Student in a Training Course

Add an Observer to a Course
Give a user observer rights in a Training Course

Add an Admin to a Course
Give a user admin rights in a Training Course

Create a Course
Create a new training course

Make an API Call
Make an arbitrary API call

List Courses
List all training courses

List the Admins of a Course
List admins of a training course

List Course Categories
List of course categories defined on Apolearn

List Course Levels
List of course levels defined on Apolearn

List the Students of a Course
List students of a training course

List the Instructors of a Course
List instructors of a training course

List Course Templates
List training course templates

List Textbooks
List all textbooks

List Users
List all users

Search Courses
Returns all classrooms matching this name

Search Users
Search a user from parameters