ActiveTrail Email Marketing Simplified |
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Engage audiences more effectively with ActiveTrail.

ActiveTrail is an email marketing tool that provides advanced features for creating, automating, and analyzing email campaigns. By integrating ActiveTrail with, businesses can centralize email data, automate communication processes, and track campaign performance. This integration ensures that marketing teams can focus on crafting impactful messages while reducing manual tasks. Additionally, it supports enhanced analytics, enabling data-driven decision-making for better customer engagement.

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Centralize data in with ActiveTrail integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, ActiveTrail integration, ActiveTrail integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
ActiveTrail Modules (12)

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Watch campaigns

Trigger an operation once a new campaign is added to the account

Watch for Contact unsubscribed

Triggers when a Contact unsubscribes.

Watch for Automation step

Triggers when a contact moves a step inside an automation.

Watch for Contact added to a group

Triggers when a Contact is added to a group.

Send SMS

Send a text message (SMS) to a contact.

Remove a member from a group

Removes a member from a group.

Get a contact

Gets a contact.

Delete a contact

Removes a contact.

Create/Update contact

Creates a new contact or updates an existing contact.

Add a member to a group

Update a member or create a new member in a group and send a campaign if provided.

List contacts

Gets a list of contacts.

List groups

Select a specific group in your account

Centralise ActiveTrail data now
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