4Leads Integration for Smarter Lead Management | Boost.space
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Grow your leads and optimize campaigns with 4Leads.

4Leads is a lead management platform designed to optimize the sales funnel and increase conversions. When integrated with Boost.space, 4Leads enables businesses to centralize prospect information, automate lead nurturing workflows, and enhance team collaboration. The integration supports personalized follow-ups, ensuring no opportunity is overlooked. By aligning marketing and sales efforts through a single platform, businesses can create a more efficient and results-driven approach to lead management.

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Loved by hundreds companies and freelancers around the world.
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Connection status - Active with remarks This application needs additional settings. Please follow our documentation to create your connection.
Centralize data in Boost.space with 4leads integration Centralize data using ActiveCampaign integration, WooCommerce integration, Asana integration, Slack integration, 4leads integration, 4leads integration and 1800+ more! And more than 2000+ other apps...
4leads Modules (18)

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Watch Automations

Watches for 4leads automations with Boost.integrator toggle as action. Delivers a Contact object.

Add a Contact to a Subscription

Adds a contact to a subscription.

Add Tags

Adds one or more Tags to a Contact.

Create a Tag

Creates a Tag inside your 4leads account. Tag names are not unique and multiple tags with the same name may be created.

Upsert a Contact

Searches for the Contact by email. If the contact is not known yet it gets created. Otherwise the contact may get updated and the id is accessible for further steps.

Get a Contact

Retrieves a single contact by id or email.

Get a Global Field value

Reads the current value to a contact for a selected global field.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Remove a Contact from a Subscription

Revokes the contact subscription to a 4leads topic.

Remove Tags

Removes one or multiple Tags from a Contact. (max. 20)

Set Global Field(s) Value

Sets the Value of a Global Field for a Contact.

Sign Contact to a Campaign

Starts the Campaign for the a contact.

Stop Campaign

Stops the campaign for a contact.

Trigger an Automation

Triggers an automation with Boost.integrator as starting point. Returns the contact object if contact was found.

Update a Tag

Updates the name of a Tag.

Search Contacts

Gets a list of your contacts.

Get Contact Tags

Gets the list of tags the contact is connected to right now.

Search Tag

Searches a Tag by name. May give multiple results.

Centralise 4leads data now
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