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We are pleased to be a part of the unisonTimes magazine! The newest edition is focused on the Independence Day Conference 2021, which took place in Prague in September. The founder Tadeas Marek was one of the invited speakers. in the unisonTimes magazine

Day Conference 2021 and The New World

It was already some time ago that members of the global unisonSteadfast network, representatives of renowned insurance carriers, and independent experts joined the Independence Day Conference 2021. The IDC 2021 was hosted in a hybrid format – live in Prague and online for the first time.

With its main topic, “The New World,” the IDC 2021 focused on innovation, new technologies, and digitalization, setting up the stage for the professional exchange on the international level between brokers, carriers, underwriters, and experts alike.

The special post-conference edition of unisonTimes is a retrospective of the IDC 2021, including different highlights of the conference program, information on the presented topics and speakers, and some personal glimpses behind the scenes.

You can read the article about at this link. Look at page 32!

Published by Jirka Ratica

“I enjoy building great products that make the world a better place.” Problem Solver・Minimalist・Product Manager