AI Field Generation
Though it may not sound super sexy, trust me, this one’s a game-changer.
With the field generation feature, you can use your current data to generate another field – who would have guessed, right?
So, for example, if you have a contact record containing details like name, email, title, job position, product the person purchased, etc., you can ask the AI to write a personalized email using all of this information. Notify your customers when your product is restocked, invite them to explore your new collection they might like according to their previous purchase etc.
Or, using existing product data, you can utilize this function to boost your product listings by enriching your product content, increasing your product sales potential. Have AI generate a SEO-optimized product title, key words, or meta description, that will help you with listings stand out.
AI Data Transformation
Even though the data type synced in and out of your tools and databases might be the same, its format often is not. But if you want to connect data from multiple databases and consolidate it into a single Master database, it is necessary to keep them in the same format.
This is where our AI-driven data transformation comes in.
Data transformation feature helps your standardize data and convert various data formats within a single column, ensuring consistency and reliability, preparing your it for seamless integration and analysis.
Take, for example, dates. They can come with dots, brackets, or dashes separating the numbers. Some start with the month, others with a day of the month–you know how it goes. Data transformation helps you unify data within one column into one single format.
AI Data Validation
Now, this one’s pretty cool, too. The column AI data validation feature helps you distinguish filtered data or data that is somehow outgoing from the rest of the data in the column you have selected.
You can either write a whole new prompt (e.g. “Highlight all gmail e-mails.“), or choose from one of the pre-made templates, such as finding inconsistencies, outliers, anomalies, or duplicates.
AI Data Editor
With 4.0, you’ll be able to edit content directly within the system and improve it with integrated AI functionalities. Just select the text you want to update and then choose one of the AI features. Translate full text passages, shorten, rephrase, add emojis, and more!
& Finally, Marketplace
Yes, we’re almost there. In the next article, you will finally learn all about the brand-new Marketplace & Appflows. Stay with us!
Cheers! 🖖